Monash University’s Post Grad Expo and Awards

Here at Kyte, we specialise in empowering Australian universities to enhance student engagement every step of the way – from acquisition, registration, to successful course participation, and sometimes even graduation.
Anita Parer and David Palfreeman

Last week Anita Parer and David Palfreeman supported Monash University's Post Grad Expo and Awards. Each semester, students from diverse IT backgrounds form multicultural teams and are immersed in a unique industry experience. With an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset, these teams analyse data to develop IT solutions such as apps and websites to address real-life problems or capitalize on opportunities identified through their analysis. This program pushes students beyond their comfort zones and current knowledge, allowing them to practice their craft in an industry setting while fostering a sense of service.

Throughout this process, expert and enthusiastic industry mentors like David provide invaluable mentorship. He coached and advised on both product and process, sharing his industry experience, and helping teams avoid common pitfalls. The program’s success is evident from the palpable pride students feel in their achievements, having been challenged to exceed their self-imposed limits. This pride is shared by the industry, which is excited to guide the next generation of IT professionals and collaborate in a program dedicated to community service.

Students at event

Students at event Monash University

Monash University Logo

Well done to the Monash University Post Grad Students and the outstanding lecturers and managers of this group.

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